Jiarong Yu, an interaction designer, sonic producer, performer, education practitioner, and life-long researcher in embodied informatics. Under the alias "6Liè," she has been very active in STEM&A / STEAM Integration (science, technology engineering, arts and mathematics), exploring the potential of  Human-AI cooperation, Human-Computer Interaction, Immersive Technology for future embodied learning and human intelligence, discussing how humanity and STEM shape each other. She has been launching embodied experience projects, fusing the multi-media of Sound, 3D Animation, Gaming, Extended Reality,  Robotics, the Mechanical and Interactive Installation.

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Jiarong Yu, an interaction designer, sonic producer, performer, education practitioner, and life-long researcher in embodied informatics. Under the alias "6Liè," she has been very active in STEM&A / STEAM Integration (science, technology engineering, arts and mathematics), exploring the potential of  Human-AI cooperation, Human-Computer Interaction, Immersive Technology for future embodied learning and human intelligence, discussing how humanity and STEM shape each other. She has been launching embodied experience projects, fusing the multi-media of Sound, 3D Animation, Gaming, Extended Reality, Robotics, the Mechanical and Interactive Installation.

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︎︎︎ Audio-Visual Interactive Performance
︎︎︎ Blue Centre · Inspace Gallery

In 2022, with the support of the Design Informatics and Beauty of Science, an audio-visual interactive performance Chemical Garden was designed and staged in InSpace Gallery , WhiteSpace Gallery  and  Blue Centre with the narrative centre of the classic chemical reaction "Chemical Garden". The project aims to further investigate the future of embodied learning and the potential for immersive experience to shape scientific communication in different contexts.

Jun 2023 -
Jul 2023

Jun 2022 -
Jul 2022


︎︎︎ Speculative Scenario Art
︎︎︎ CoSTAR Foresight Lab

Based on the narratives from the CoSTAR Foresight Lab, I created speculative visuals for three scenarios: data alchemy, creative independent union, and new vintage, blending Rococo sci-fi aesthetics with realism. By fusing classical, ecological, retro, and cyber elements, I tried to envision the tangible futures through 3D modelling, StyleGAN portrait generation, illustration, and digital collage. In data alchemy, an underground digital furnace symbolises grassroots movements and bottom-up machine learning. Drawing from “alchemical symbols," I layered image data elements like male lions, flowers, flames, and female human faces to “simulate” the alchemical process. Creative independent union uses a blockchain-represented mirror to reflect empowered creative users shaping the distributed platform landscape. New vintage depicts audiences watching performances with archaic media (traditional creators are using them to create and experience), exploring how present memories could become cultural treasures in future personas. This work reflects a close and deep collaboration with the CoSTAR Foresight Lab team, from early sketches and aesthetic development to refining the relationship between identity, personas, and future scenarios. Through this process, to shape a critical vision of speculative futures.

Oct 2024 -
Dec 2024


︎︎︎ 3D Animation | Game | Robotics Installation
︎︎︎ National Museum of Scotland ·  Now Gallery

Crowd Reality takes inspiration from the differences between the "Digital" and the "Physical" in the highly-virtualised pandemic time, where people are going through "remote everything". What if we miss the sense of a real crowd? The conceptual brand Crowd Reality offers interactive garments that can simulate crowd haptics, providing users with the  experience of being in a crowd. To showcase the concept at the Soft Robotics Conference, the interactive installation combines the virtual game with the physical garment.
Mar 2022 -
Apr 2022

Nov 2021 -
Dec 2021


︎︎︎ Performance | Music Producing | 3D Animation | Installation
︎︎︎ Artscience Gallery · Whitespace Gallery

Techno album Air Doesn’t Need Our Lung  is a response to the COVID-19 pandemic that uses sound to frame the post-pandemic era, urban population density in East Asia, and Asian Shame Culture. Racism and xenophobia, which spread more rapidly than the virus, have been investigated in the context of significant global pandemics throughout history. The project's objective is to provoke a reevaluation of the interplay between humanity, disease, and the world of nature.

Nov 2020


︎︎︎ Data Visualisation | Data Sonification
︎︎︎ Inspace Gallery

“Or know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you” ― Corinthians 6:19
In our body, some diseases alert us to abnormalities through symptoms, but others are asymptomatic until they cause serious consequences. Organ Connection aims to create a connection between audiences and human organs, to rethink the data of our body. The exhibit is in line with the theme "Data and me" of the Edinburgh Science Festival, and the project chooses  "Medical Imaging" as the database.
Mar 2022 -
Apr 2022


︎︎︎ Audio-Visual Performance | Animation
︎︎︎ Human-AI Collaboration

This performance, created for the conference programme of School of Advanced Study, University of London, collaborated with Dr. Alexandra Huang-Kokina and Paul Docherty. The animation is based on the literary narrative by Alexandra and the music "Beau Soir" by Impressionist composer Debussy. The animation draws inspiration from Paul Bourget's poetic work of the same name. It employs the Neuro Style Transfer and Difussion Model.
Jun 2024 -
Jul 2024

07 Sweet Death Society

︎︎︎ Speculative Design | Music Producing
︎︎︎ Biochemistry ·  Interactive Installation · Album

“Sweet Death Society" delves into the dark intertwining of the worldwide sugar trade's history, the snack industry's deceits, and the "Sick-Cute" fashion culture in Asia, from the 16th to the 21st centuries. By creating a fictional organization that offers death-themed desserts and music, the project highlights the paradox between the sweetness that entices us and the inevitable decay it masks. This exploration prompts a reevaluation of the pleasure derived from sweets and its historical and cultural costs underneath, offering a critical thinking on consumption and the duality of life and death.
Nov 2023

08 Spiritualist Newspapers

︎︎︎ Web Design | Data Visualisation
︎︎︎ Cultural Heritage · Playable Education

In 2021, the interactive website Spiritualists was developed for National Library of Scotland to cater to the digitalisation of the collection 19th century spiritualist newspapers. The database comprises 416 plain text files, 11,577,467 words, 416 METS files and 6365 image files. The initiative seeks to establish "digital humanism" as the foundation for engaging scholars, students, children, and the general public in cultural exchange.

Nov 2021 –
Dec 2021

09 KnowledgepunK

︎︎︎ User Experience Design
︎︎︎ STEAM · Blockchain in Education 

Following UN SDG4 “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”, the  project KnowledgepunK endeavours to create a decentralized knowledge exchange platform that fosters STEAM cross-disciplinary learning through gamification and crypto incentives. To enhance the central role of learners, the project employs the co-design research method which  focuses on stimulating the learning interest and personalised learning. 
Mar 2022 -
May 2022


︎︎︎ User Experience Design | Intelligent Speech
︎︎︎ Astronomy · Interactive Applet

The collaborative project with China Aerospace, WeChat and The Poem For You, using the China Aerospace Rocket Intelligent Processing Unit and WeChat applet as physical and digital carriers respectively. The project planned to solicit 50,000 poetry reading voice messages all over the world to be carried into the space by the rocket launch vehicle, expecting to bring the modern romance into a new emotional ritual through technology, with over 3.2 million users participating.
Jul 2018 –
Oct 2018


︎︎︎ Experience Design
︎︎︎ Multi-media Interactive Installation

Entheogen Bar, where the sacred realm of entheogens meets digital technology. This project blurs the lines between spirituality and technology, inviting audiences into an immersive media space that simulates the ancient practice of using entheogens for religious communion and soul healing. Through the lens of digitalised simulation, the Entheogen Bar offers a modern ritual for digital pilgrims seeking transcendence. Through motion capture, enter a subspace where every piece of hallucinogenic plants is a portal to divine encounters, challenging perceptions of color, sound, space, and time, making it the journey to spiritual awakening in the digital age.
Jun 2020 -
Aug 2020

12 I-M-Perfection

︎︎︎ AR Facial Interaction | Animation
︎︎︎ Computer Vision · Multi-media Exhibition

I-M-Perfection, imperfection.
Inspired by Cyborg and the contrasting characteristics of human vision and computer vision, the project I-M-perfectionhypothesizes what would be perfect in the post-human era by simulating algorithmic vision systems through AR facial interaction.  During the research, this project examines the evolution of human standards of beauty, aiming to explore what new order we will establish for aesthetics if the facial concept extraction of visual algorithms breaks all the past and present standards.
Jan 2020 -
Apr 2020


︎︎︎ Audio-Visual Interaction Design / Synthesizer
︎︎︎ Immersive Performance

Week of Sound aims to make everyone realise that sound is a fundamental element of balance in the relationships between the individual and others, as well as the world, the environment and society, medical, economic, industrial and cultural.

Wavetable is a monthly night of sonic experimentation in Edinburgh, run by Prof Simon Kirby and Expertsleepers. I worked as an interaction designer on three show visuals for Wavetable. I developed a software Purple Rain to project live animations that performers can shape in real time using an expressive multi-touch control surface.

Jun 2022 -
Aug 2022